Crystals work holistically and aid emotional stress. Use crystals to keep your energy pure. Green Amethyst as a piece of jewellery looks phenomenal and will draw many admiring glances, but it can also support your energy vibration by keeping it clear.
Green Amethyst is the beautiful crystal known as Prasiolite and is the crystal of hope, clarity, truth and happiness. Green amethyst strengthens peace and calm within. It brings generosity, growth, health, happiness, harmony, stability, and fertility. Green is the colour of the heart chakra and the colour of Mother Nature. As we all know, the heart is affected by the energy of its surroundings, and we can’t always be out in nature on a fine day. The shade of green in Green Amethyst helps relieve tensions and irritations with its soothing energy, similar to walking through a grand forest on a beautiful day.
You may wonder how a small sparkling crystal worn as jewellery or a crystal held in your hand can do this. And science is attached to it, so don’t just take my word for it! The Piezoelectricity accumulated within the crystal over millennia held close or worn on the human body can talk to the DNA strands. Its subtle energy relaxes the double helix of the DNA strands, and you can feel the tension in your being relax. Anxiety fades away, and calm is instilled deep within.
Green Amethyst symbolises self-respect and well-being. It helps us to feel comfortable with putting our needs first.

This fabulous gemstone is found in Brazil. Small amounts in the past have been found in Poland and Canada, although not much has arrived on the commercial market. This rarity makes Green Amethyst even more desirable and in high demand. Green Amethyst is a particular type of Amethyst that contains iron compounds with specific properties (Fe2+iron compounds) which turn a purple amethyst green when heat treated. The miners first discovered this phenomenon when excess Amethyst was banked beside the mine shaft and left in the sun. Over time the Amethyst changed colour to varying shades of green depending on the exposure to the climate. There is a lot of experience required to achieve a great natural colour, and the miners from Montezuma have perfected it. Amethyst that does not contain the specific compound (Fe2+ iron compound) will turn orange, yellow or brown when heat treated, eliminating the green spectrum altogether.
The Green Amethyst we carefully pick for our jewellery collections come from the Montezuma Mine in the Minas Gerais area of Brazil.
Crystals work holistically and aid emotional stress. Use crystals to keep your energy pure. Green Amethyst as a piece of jewellery looks phenomenal and will draw many admiring glances, but it can also support your energy vibration by keeping it clear. Tumbled Green Amethyst crystals in your pocket will feel comforting, like worry stones. Using surgical tape position, a piece of Green Amethyst above the solar plexus. That’s in the centre of your body, below the heart and above the belly button. In this position, it will help stop the feeling of butterflies or nerves from escalating.
Use with tumbled Hematite or a hematite bracelet to help ground you.
Shungite is another excellent stone and works well with Green Amethyst. Use Shungite to protect you from electromagnetic frequencies. Shungite helps you to stop picking up negativity and is another superb mineral for grounding.
Black Tourmaline is an excellent protection crystal that works with Green Amethyst. You can never have too much Black Tourmaline. Place it around the home, workplace, or garden and carry some with you.
Take your crystals and get out into nature. On a lunch break stroll in the park, walk along a riverbank. Try to use this time, even if only for a few minutes, to remind yourself of your connectivity to all things. Hold your crystals and centre yourself. If you can not escape for a few minutes during the day to centre yourself, try holding your crystals and closing your eyes to imagine.
Talk to your angels and guides. Tell them your fears and anxieties and ask them to protect you. Call Archangel Michael to keep your energy clear and allow the light to penetrate your being.
Bright Blessings, Marianna 🙏