Full Moon Report – 19th April 2019

News, Seasons, Moon Cycles and Celebrations

Full Moon Report – 19th April 2019

Our full moon this month for the second time in a row, falls in Libra. This moon reiterates the message of the last one and gives us a second chance to work out our relationship issues.

As with all full moons, this is a time of letting go and releasing all that is no longer serving us. What was the key relationship issue for you at the last full moon?

Were you looking to break free and move on? If you haven’t done so yet, here is another lunar boost to help you. Use the loving energy of Libra to help you let go with kindness and compassion.

Were you looking at resolving issues? Working things through and starting over? If it didn’t quite go as planned last month, this could be your chance. Beautifully balanced Libra energy will help you along.

The Uranus aspects of the full moon will also be taking effect this month.  Be aware of restless energy and a need for excitement and change. You could be prone to acting impulsively and this could cause tensions with those around you, particularly if your ego takes over.

On the flip side, use this restless energy to breathe excitement into your relationships. You could be feeling more open minded and flexible so channel this and your need for change and into something positive and your relationships could experience a lovely boost!

Within a couple of hours of the moon being full (12.12am GMT), the moon will go void. This is an excellent time for meditation and reflection.

Happy moon times!