25th November Full Moon Ritual – Explore What Lies Within

Seasons, Moon Cycles and Celebrations

The November full moon marks the start of winter. The earth begins her winter rest and we are beckoned to explore what lies within. Known by names including the Beaver Moon, Frost Moon and Snow Moon, this is the perfect time to explore your inner being, to reconnect with your spirit and to become clear and focused about your direction.

Even the most spiritually focussed beings can lose sight of themselves on this earthly journey. We get so caught up in the day to day that we forget our own magnificence and the power we have over our own existence. Embrace these darker nights when the world slows down and make a commit to come back to YOU. Use this time to explore what really makes you happy, what is important to you and become focussed on the direction of your own path.

On the days leading up to the full moon, spend some quiet time thinking about the limitless opportunities open to you in the infinite universe. Don’t allow the ego to tell you otherwise. The ego thrives on fear and habit so that part of yourself which may tell you that there are no opportunities, or that you are restricted by certain factors is the part of you holding you back. Be creative with your thoughts. Create a mood board or write for example, this will help enforce your thinking.

Ask yourself, what makes me happy? And not just surface happy, what really makes you feel alive, what makes your heart sing? This is not an easy question for most of us to answer but it is a great starting point for those of us who are unsure of our direction.

Create an altar space for your ritual. This can be done on the days leading up to the full moon. Adorn it with things that represent your spirit, your dreams, your aspirations and the things that make you truly happy. If you work with crystals, rose quartz, carnelian and titanium aura are all excellent choices to enhance the energy of your space for this particular ritual.

On the night of the full moon, light a single candle at your altar and spend a few minutes clearing your mind and relaxing your body. When you feel ready, welcome in the beautiful lunar energy and give thanks for her presence. Start to think about all the things that make you happy, think about your dreams and you aspirations. Avoid thinking about these things in a future sense. Imagine in full technicolour that these things are with you right now, that you are living the life of your dreams. How does it feel? Allow your mind to daydream and really experience the full and wonderful existence of your dreams made real. Spend as much time on this as feels comfortable to you. When you have finished thank the moon for her lunar energy and revel in your elevated energy levels.

This ritual is about exploring your inner self and bringing yourself back into alignment with those things. The mind does not distinguish between real and imagination, science has explored this. Allowing yourself to daydream about an alternate reality where your dreams, aspirations and ultimately happiness is right there, is a big neon welcome sign for those things to enter your current experience.. Enjoy!