If You Can’t Stride, Tip Toe….

If You Can’t Stride, Tip Toe….

If you can’t stride forward  Then just tip toe, Even a hesitant shuffle  In the right direction Is better than walking a path That’s not your own.  This week we are looking at taking a step forward. You will find that even the tiniest step in the right direction can...
Falling Into Our Place

Falling Into Our Place

Falling into our place It sometimes takes the feeling of everything falling apart before we realise that everything is actually falling into place. A statement that comes up time and time again is ‘I am searching for my purpose, I can’t figure out what it is I am...

2018 – Time To Find Your NO!

2018 – Time To Find Your No! You’ve most likely seen the film ‘Yes Man’ right? The one where Jim Carey decides to say Yes to everything in an attempt to move beyond the confines of his own self-inflicted routine. It’s a celebration of what it is to say YES when...
Time to Declutter Your Mind!

Time to Declutter Your Mind!

Time to Declutter Your Mind!  We have been focusing this week on crystals that can assist you in a big spring clean. With the lighter nights approaching, we all like to refresh our homes and prepare for Spring. But how often do we apply the same premise to our...

The Power of Self-Acceptance

The Power of Self-Acceptance Did you know that the question ‘How do I accept myself for who I am?’ ranks in the top 10 most asked ‘how to’ questions in Google in the UK? Self-acceptance is something many of us struggle with. Deeply rooted self-criticism is a burden we...