Red Calcite 150-185 grams

Red Calcite 150-185 grams

The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Red Calcite

Red Calcite works on the base chakra – dealing with vitality and the physical will to survive. Healers believe it relieves constipation, acts on pain and stress relating to the lower spinal column and on the support of bone density. Red Calcite is a hard worker; it tackles many physical problems of the skeletal structure. It also encourages emotional strength.


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Red Calcite 150-185 grams

The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Red Calcite

Red Calcite works on the base chakra – dealing with vitality and the physical will to survive. Healers believe it relieves constipation, acts on pain and stress relating to the lower spinal column and on the support of bone density. Red Calcite is a hard worker; it tackles many physical problems of the skeletal structure. It also encourages emotional strength.


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