Hematite - Rainbow
(Rainbow Hematite) Hematite takes its name from the Greek word for ‘blood’, which is descriptive of the colour seen in powdered Hematite. It is a dense heavy stone with a metallic grey finish when polished. It is found in Cumberland, England, and also Brazil, China, New Zealand, Minnesota plus a few other locations around the globe.
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This is a stone that most healers will not do without. It works extremely well at restoring, strengthening and regulating the blood flow. Hands, crippled from bad circulation, seem to respond to holding a piece of Hematite. In fact there are many who take a piece to bed with them to hold while they drift off to sleep. Sufferers of cramp and spasms notice an immediate improvement in their health just by having it touch their skin. Keep a couple of pieces in your pocket and tumble them like worry beads. Hematite grounds negative energies that manifest as stress and calms the nerves. It releases us from compulsive habits like drinking, over-eating and smoking – and from nervous obsessive behaviour. Hematite is particularly useful for students during exams; for pre-wedding nerves; moving house or dealing with any legal paper-pushing organisation! This is a strong stone which some are not comfortable with. Perhaps it is under the shiny surface lurks the opposite side of their personality. We often do not like our other side or ‘alter-ego’ and this stone has a unique way of bringing it out and making us deal with our strengths as well as our weaknesses. Most of all it teaches one to love oneself.
The multicoloured iridescent surface on Rainbow Hematite is caused by the Goethite in the Hematite and the shale- like make up of the surface. The light refraction bounces of the surface when in bright sunlight. Many believe that Rainbow Hematite can actually heal the aura and repair the physical magnetic field of the body. It is able to work on the auto immune system and in the solar plexus chakra balancing fight or flight responses. It also has all the properties of Hematite. Unlike Hematite it is only usually found in Brazil and the USA.