
K2 Stone

The K2 stone is a relatively new find from the foothills of ‘Mount K2’ in the Karakoram Range in Pakistan. This mountain is the second highest in the world and healers are very excited about the claims of this rare new stone.

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The stone has Dalmatian like spots over it that are azure blue in colour. The vibration is cooling, calming and can definitely be felt behind the eyes and forehead.  Working with this stone, I believe, will help one to analyse their thoughts and separate intelligent thoughts from fight or flight responses or actions.  There is a head over heart strong impulse that can be picked up simply by holding the stone and closing your eyes.

It will help one gain control over the emotions and work its way through all the layers of the etheric body. This could be a stone that was meant to be found now and used to bring inner and outer peace, starting with a few and gradually working its way around the globe.

  • k2 7216

    K2 Stone 13-14 grams

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